Honey & Cinnamon for Weight Loss
Healthy Honey
Honey has been around for more than 2,000 years and always been used as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments. Honey contains sugar. But due to natural sugar, as opposed to refined, honey also contains vitamins and minerals. Honey also helps with digestion, which is why nutritionists recommend a teaspoon of it after a heavy meal. Honey can help protect and coat the immune system, which is why we're told to drink tea with honey when we have a cold, sore throat or the flu.
Healthy Cinnamon
Cinnamon isn't just a spice used to sweeten smoothies or cappuccinos anymore. The spice that was historically considered more valuable than gold has many health benefits, including improving brain function, memory as well as ulcer, yeast infection and urinary tract infection prevention.
Honey and Weight Loss
The main component in honey that helps battle weight gain is its nutrients. Nutrients are essential in the weight loss process as they dissolve fat cells and reduce cholesterol. Honey also has a strong source of energy and is easily broken up into glucose, making it much easier to digest than sugar. So honey can be used as a sugar substitute, when possible.
Honey also contains an ergogenic aid that helps boost energy and athletic performance. It also helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels and supports muscle recuperation after working out.
Cinnamon and Weight Loss
Cinnamon has many benefits, but its main weight loss component is its ability to reduce blood sugar and prevent diabetes and Metabolic syndrome. Similar to honey, cinnamon also reduces cholesterol and creates a thermogenic burn. Its effect on the body's bad cholesterol also helps build insulin resistance for those suffering from diabetes.
Honey and warm water is a good way to mobilize stored fat cells and break them up. Also, honey and lemon juice is a good combination to combat weight loss because of lemon juice's vitamin C contents. Mixing honey and ginger, too, is good for combating weight loss, as ginger speeds up your metabolic rate.
Honey and cinnamon together in warm water is great solution for an empty stomach to build the immune system, and can be a sip of something sweet after a meal to help digestion instead of a heavy dessert.