Cherries and Weight Loss
Research Still Needed
Does that mean that if we buy and eat enough cherries, we'll lose our spare tire even if we keep up the junk food-heavy diet we're used to? The Cherry Marketing Group, which is funding the University of Michigan study, would like you to believe so. But researchers still are investigating the implications of this study for humans.
The New Superfood
Tart cherries are coming to the forefront of public health-consciousness as scientists label them the new "superfood." Tart cherries, different from the snackable Bing variety found in grocery stores and lunch boxes, are packed with nutrients and antioxidants.
Cherries As Pain Reliever
Michigan State University researcher and author Muralee G. Nair, Ph.D., says only 20 tart cherries a day could help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with chronic pain, such as that caused by arthritis. However, there's not much definitive research to show that tossing back a few cherries eliminates the need to exercise and eat right across the board.
Cherries As Part of A Balanced Diet
Sweet or tart cherries are still a great way to get in your "5-A-Day" fruit requirement. A cup of sweet cherries will set you back only 87 calories and will add 3 g of healthy fiber. And with their juicy sweetness, they're a great alternative when you just need to satisfy the urge for dessert. Like other dark berries (blueberries, acai berries, black currants and even grapes), cherries boost your energy and keep you going when you otherwise might reach for a sugary, caffeinated drink.
Weight Loss Is About Lifestyle
Just make sure you consult a physician before starting any diet. Weight loss happens as a result of steady lifestyle changes. Give it some time, and you'll feel the difference. And go ahead: have a bowl of cherries along the way.