How to Lose Weight Quick for Free
Cut back on sugar and fat in your diet. These ingredients consipire to make foods higher in calories and can also cause you to eat more than you need. To lose weight quick for free, find substitutes for foods high in sugar and fat. Replace sugary foods such as soda with sugar-free counterparts. Replace high-fat foods such as potato chips and sour cream with low-fat foods like carrots, celery and nonfat yogurt. If you avoid fast food, you'll probably save money while you lose weight.
Limit your starch intake. Eating excessive amounts of starches such as bread, rice, pasta and crackers can cause weight gain and prevent weight loss. Eating large quantities of starchy vegetables such as potatoes, corn, peas and winter squash can also cause problems with losing weight. You can lose weight quick for free if you just keep your starch intake to one 100 to 150 calorie serving per meal. Never eat multiple servings of starch at a single meal or snack. Add non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, sweet peppers, asparagus and water chestnuts to every meal.
Count calories. Always read the nutrition facts on the packages of foods you eat to find the ingredients, serving size and calories per serving. To lose weight even quicker, keep a food journal. Write down the foods you eat, along with the amount and the total number of calories. To keep your journal free, recycle an old spiral notebook or diary that you've only written in a few times.
Hit the pavement. See if one of your local parks has a track you can walk or jog on for free. Alternatively, you could walk or jog around the block. If you already have a bicycle, consider riding it to places near your home instead of taking your car. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park at the end of the parking lot instead of close to the store. The more calories you burn, the quicker you'll lose weight, so sneak in some free exercise whenever you have the chance.
Find free free online weight loss resources like free calorie counters, diet plans, exercise videos, low calorie recipes and weight loss guides. There are also forums online where you can chat for free with other people who are trying to lose weight. Check out a free site such as for people in your area who meet to work on losing weight together. See the "Resources" section for links to these online weight loss resources.