Foods That Help You Flush Fat Out of Your System
Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns fuel. The higher your metabolism the faster you use energy and burn fat. An active lifestyle burns more calories or fuel than a sedentary lifestyle. In other words, going for a brisk walk burns more fuel than lying on the sofa watching TV. Here are a few foods that flush fat and increase metabolism.
Green Tea
Green tea has been shown to help burn fat. The responsible ingredient is called EGCG. Black tea works as well but not as effectively.
Nuts increase metabolism and are a good source of protein. Adding a handful of nuts to a salad boosts the nutritional value and will help you feel satisfied longer. Nuts make a great between-meal snack. Try the dry roasted varieties or raw nuts.
Foods That Contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids
Sardines, tuna and salmon have essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6, both of which boost metabolism. If fish isn't your dish, try ground flax seed, which contains these fatty acids as well. A tablespoon of flax seed in a fruit smoothie, bowl of cereal or spread on toast for breakfast gets your day off to an energetic start.
Did you know that not only will an apple a day keep the doctor away but it peels off pounds as well? Studies have shown that eating one small apple before every meals leads to greater weight loss. The magic ingredient is pectin, which is found mostly in the skin of the apple. Pectin keeps you fuller longer.
Calorie-Negative Foods
Some foods are thought to use more calories to digest than the energy they provide. Eating these foods helps flush fat out of your system. Try dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, romaine lettuce, and kale. Celery, cucumbers and green peppers are other options. Eat the veggies in the raw state so your digestion system works harder and you burn up more fat.
Cinnamon stimulates fat cells and gets rid of excess sugar in your blood. It has been used to effectively treat diabetes. Cinnamon is not water soluble, which means don't overdo it. There haven't been any studies on what happens when too much cinnamon is consumed.
Curry includes tamarind, which slows down the body's production of fat cells. Most curries also include spicy peppers, which increase metabolism.
Add one or more of these foods to your daily diet and watch your metabolism increase and your weight decrease as fat is flushed out of your system.