Safe Liquid Diets
Optifast was developed in 1974 and was the first liquid diet plan. It is designed for patients who weigh 50 pounds or more over their ideal weight. Optifast is only available through medical clinics and requires close medical supervision during the 26-week program. The first 12 weeks of the program are strictly liquid calories, but then you slowly transition regular food back into your diet over the remaining 14 weeks.
Health Management Resources
Heath Management Resources was founded in 1983. Their liquid diet program requires medical supervision and is designed for individuals who need to lose a significant amount of weight. Dieters consume five to six shakes a day. Health Management Resources offers many different flavors of shakes to choose from.
Slim-Fast was started in 1977 by S. Daniel Abraham. A big advantage in this diet plan is convenience as Slim-Fast is available in supermarkets and drug stores across the country. You are not required to check in with a medical provider like many other liquid diet plans. Slim-Fast shakes contain approximately 200 calories per shake and you consume them to replace breakfast and lunch for weight loss.