Fastest Way to Lose 35 Pounds for Teens
Safe Speed for Weight Loss
While everyone who is overweight would love to lose it as fast as possible, there is an amount that is safe for healthy weight loss. One to two pounds per week is an acceptable and reasonable rate to lose weight. A realistic goal for 35 pounds should be set for eight months to allow for safe and permanent weight loss.
Quick weight loss that is the result of extremely low-calorie diets is not likely to be sustained. The weight will return when normal eating habits are resumed. Instead of drastically reducing calories to lose weight, a sensible 500 calorie per day reduction, resulting in a one-pound weight loss per week, will not result in weight rebounding.
Proper Nutrition
Teenagers are still growing and going through important developmental stages. It is important that teens receive the proper nutrition to keep their bodies healthy while losing weight. Fad diets can drastically reduce calories and important nutrients. While the fad diet can result in weight loss in the short term, these diets are difficult to sustain. After the diet is over, the weight often comes right back, and in many cases, additional weight is gained as well.
A well balanced diet that cuts down on sugars, trans fats and junk food that does not have any nutritional value will result in a consistent and steady weight loss. Teens should eat more fruits and vegetables for healthy weight loss.
Stay away from processed foods and eat home cooked natural foods for the quickest weight loss. Vegetables and green salads provide a great deal of fiber in the diet and will result in the quickest and safest weight loss for teens.
Physical Activity
Physical activity must be included in a successful weight-loss plan. While it is possible to lose weight through diet alone, it is much faster with exercise. Teens should find an exercise that they enjoy, so it will be easier to make it a part of their daily routines. Exercise can be a fun part of weight loss and build healthy habits that will last for a lifetime.
Long-Term Healthy Habits
Teens who are trying to lose weight can incorporate good eating habits into their lives that will help them throughout the course of their lives. Fad diets and quick weight loss to lose any amount of weight including 35 pounds will only result in regaining the weight back again and continuing poor eating habits into adulthood. Losing weight rapidly can lead to nutritional imbalances and conditions such as gallstones later in life.