Healthy Meals to Help You Lose Weight
Salads and Vegetables
One of the simplest and most effective things you can do to help your meals become healthier is to make sure that a salad is included with EVERY meal. Even breakfast can include a fruit salad. It is a simple fact that we need more green and leafy vegetables in our diet, and fruits are close behind. Vegetables are filled with fiber, which is filling, and they are low in calories. The more vegetables you eat, the better. Period. And do not soak them in butter, sugar and salt or you are defeating the purpose.
Liquids and Fibers
Healthier eating can be assisted by drinking more. Lots more. Yes, you will have to go to the bathroom a lot. That's good! Keeping your kidneys flushing those toxins will actually help you lose weight. About half-an hour before you eat a meal, drink a large glass of water mixed with Metamucil or some other fiber supplement. The fiber will expand in your stomach and help you feel fuller faster. Eat more soups as well. If you eat soup before your meal, you will eat less of a meal.
Lean Meats and Fish
No matter how much you love steak, or those juicy ribs, you will need to limit them if you want to unload the weight. Stick with lean meats such as chicken breasts, turkey breasts, salmon, tuna and other fish. Lean cuts of beef and pork are okay, but they should be consumed in moderation. Avoid hamburger and other fatty meats. And always cook as much of the fat off any meat as you can and drain it. Better to let it go to waste then go to your waist.