Eating in Moderation to Lose Weight
Caloric Weight Loss Goals
Understanding how many calories you should eat for your body type and gender will give you a basis for knowing how much to eat. Get your Basal Metabolic Rate by following the link in references. Use the Harris Benedict Equation to find out how many calories you need in a day to maintain your present weight. This formula multiplies your BMR with equations based on how much activity you engage in one day. For example, if your BMR is 1355 and you do not exercise, then it will take 1625 calories to maintain weight. One pound is 3,500 calories; therefore, to lose weight you must decrease the amount of calories you eat or burn more than you take in. To prevent the body from going into starvation mode, do not eat less than 1,200 calories a day if you are a woman and 1,500 calories if you are a man.
Portion Size
Losing weight doesn't consist of just reducing caloric intake, because hunger pangs and fatigue can lead to food binges. Portion size can teach you about how many calories are in a specific food, so you can prevent overeating. There are two methods for determining portion size: measuring and eyeballing food. Measuring scales can be purchased at numerous grocery or culinary stores. Buy measuring cups and spoons. Eyeballing can help you with calculating prepared food calories. One baseball is equivalent to one cup of food. One half cup is the same size as a light bulb. Three dice represent one in a half ounces. A deck of cards is generally 3 oz. of meat. Figure out how to eyeball you food, so you know what to eat when you go out.
In the USDA' s "Dietary Guidelines for All Americans," it is recommended for people to eat a diet of low-fat dairy products, lean meats, two cups of fruit a day, limited amount of saturated fats and plenty of vegetables. If you are planning on eating 1,500 calories a day for weight loss, divide those calories into three meals and two snacks. By eating snacks, you prevent blood sugar fluctuations. You can eat meals of roughly 360 calories if you eat snacks of 200 calories. Likewise, you can eat fewer calories for one meal and eat more for another meal. Avoid skipping meals, because it can cause you to overeat. One example of a meal that is filling and around 300 calories is an egg white omelet, one piece of cheese, vegetables and one piece of whole grain toast. Have a meal of onion soup without the cheese (90 calories), an apple (100 calories) and a light yogurt (100 calories). Keep a journal to add up all of your calories. Vary all of your vegetable choices to keep an interesting variety. Experiment with different low calorie meals and serve portions that reflect your daily calorie allotment.