Perimenopausal Weight Loss
While perimenopause weight gain is troubling, you are not destined to be on an uncontrollable trend involving ever-larger jeans sizes.
Perimenopause usually begins between the ages of 45 and 50, but can start as early as the 30s. Signaling the gradual end to your ability to bear children, this phase can last from 3 to 15 years.
Weight During Perimenopause
It's often been said that women gain weight during perimenopause because their metabolism slows sometime in the mid 30s to early 40s. This may be true, but there are deeper reasons than just a simple slow down in metabolism. Everything else being equal, your metabolism's set point remains the same throughout life.
According to Women to Women and Epigee, the deeper reason that you gain weight with age has to do with hormonal imbalances and fluctuations, and a host of other possible causes such as adrenal fatigue, insulin resistance, undetected food sensitivities and stress.
Get Healthy First
The first thing you need to do when you've determined that it's time to lose weight is explore the possibilities of hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, food sensitivities, insulin resistance and stress with your doctor or natural health practitioner. Discovering and treating any underlying problems will set the stage for weight loss.
How to Lose Weight During Perimenopause
To lose weight during perimenopause, you must do two things in conjunction with getting your health in balance.
The first step to losing weight during perimenopause is to get regular exercise. There is no way around this. A minimum of one half hour of aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming, dancing, jogging or any other workout that gets your heart pumping, five days a week, is essential. You should also incorporate stretching and working with weights into your exercise regimen.
The second thing you must do is focus on proper diet. Limit processed foods and try to eat fresh foods more often. Concentrate on fruits and vegetables, whole grains and complex carbohydrates. Limit your intake of red meats and fatty meats. And stay away from sugar and artificial sweeteners--both are harmful. Use healthy oils such as olive, canola or safflower oil in limited quantities.
Weight Maintenance as You Age
You're probably going to gain some weight with age. This isn't necessarily a terrible thing--it can help guard against osteoporosis and other age-related conditions. But perimenopause weight gain can be troubling, especially when it gets out of hand.
Once you've discovered and treated the causes of your weight gain, keep up with your healthy new lifestyle. Pay attention to healthy eating habits and keeping stress at bay. Do what you need to do to maintain your health and hormonal balance, and exercise and eat right, encouraging your body to stay healthy and lean.