Natural Supplements to Lose Weight
Stabilizing Blood Sugar
Blood sugar fluctuations cause the body fatigue, hunger and food cravings. The hypothalamus region of the brain regulates the intake of food. If blood sugar dips, then the hypothalamus tells the body to eat. Prevent blood sugar crashes by eating a well-rounded diet and taking supplements. Aerobic Bulk Cleanse is a supplement from Aerobic Life Industries that provides fiber to the body that will absorb slowly into the blood stream, promotes a full feeling and reduces hunger pangs. It also helps eliminate accumulated waste and excess water. Chromium picolinate reduces insulin resistance and helps with the metabolism of carbohydrates. Likewise, spirulina, a single-celled algae, is high in protein and prevents blood sugar fluctuations. This supplement contains more protein than meat and doesn't have the calories.
Burning Fat and Calories
L-Carnitine is made in the body from amino acids and releases energy in fat. By taking a supplement, you are able to help build muscles and lose weight. Take 3 g of l-carnitine a day. L-methionine can not be made in the body; therefore, it must be taken through supplement form. This amino acid eliminates fat and helps create creatine, a nutrient for muscles. Pyruvate is a supplement that promotes weight and fat loss by carrying glucose to the muscles, which in turn produces muscle glycogen. Muscle glycogen aids in fat loss. Other fat-burning supplements consist of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), calcium and choline.
Herbal Supplements
Aloe vera juice cleanses the digestive tract and improves digestion. Other cleansing herbs with diuretic properties include gravel root, alfalfa, corn silk, horsetail, hyssop, juniper and yarrow. Make a tea from these herbs, and drink when feeling bloated from excess water. Sluggish thyroids can cause weight gain because they produce fewer hormones that regulate the body's metabolism. Give your thyroid a boost with hawthorn berry, borage seed, licorice root and sarsaparilla. Use spices on meals like cardamon seed, cinnamon, ginger, cayanne and mustard seed for speeding up metabolism. Likewise, fennel can remove mucus and fat from the intestinal tract. This spice is also known as an appetite suppressant.