Body Cleansing Programs
Programs That Stay Close to Nature
The primary element any cleansing program should uphold is to encourage you to eat nothing but organic fruits and vegetables while drinking at least 80 ounces of purified water. This will provide your body with an opportunity to rest. Most traditional foods are filled with sugar, complex chemicals and unnatural properties that place a strain on the digestive process. Eating organic fruits and vegetables will allow the body to digest the food quickly and easily giving it time to work on the toxic buildup.
Encouraging Water Intake
Most cleansing programs will encourage you to increase your water intake. Drinking a minimum of 80 ounces of water will flush your kidneys effectively and clear out any stored-up waste. The program should instruct you to avoid coffee, juices and other beverages for the first 24 hours. Also only use purified or distilled water for the purest and most effective kidney cleanses.
Whole Grain Fiber
Eat basic whole grains that are high in soluble fiber alongside the fruits and vegetables. Many cleansing programs will instruct you to only eat whole grains in their natural form. For example, eat cooked whole grain brown rice without any other additives. Don't use salt, seasoning or any other spice. Keep it as simple and close to its natural state as possible. Be sure to cook everything without added oils and use only purified or distilled water during cooking. The objective of eating whole grains high in fiber is to cleanse the intestines. Fiber acts like a scrub brush when in the digestive tract. It will remove any excess, unprocessed food caught in the groves of the intestine. Fiber is the most effective way to rid your internal body of toxins and unwanted waste that can build up for years.
Many cleansing programs utilize supplements to help the cleansing process. Some supplements come in pill form and others in tea. The supplements can be herbal laxatives or fiber supplements. Any supplements involved in a cleansing program should be done under the supervision of a doctor to ensure proper usage.
Encourage Exercise
From day one, cleansing programs will incorporate a high-intensity exercise routine. A high-impact aerobic routine will also help the body pass unwanted waste in the digestive tract while sweating out other toxins found in the blood stream. Sweating is the body's No. 1 way of expelling toxins. After exercising, spend time in a sauna to expedite the cleansing process.