Protein Shake Diet Reviews
Slim-Fast Diet
The Slim-Fast Diet rose to popularity in the 1980s, having received endorsements from celebrities. It consists of one shake for breakfast, one for lunch, and a sensible dinner of about 600 calories. The plan also calls for snacks such as fresh fruit and vegetables around your meals. Slim-Fast is usually considered more of a "meal-replacement" than "protein" drink, but some of its shakes now consist of as many as 20 grams of protein. Reviews of this diet vary, with some people losing weight quickly and others not losing more than four or five pounds in three months.
Soy Protein Shake Diet
A soy protein shake diet follows the same guidelines as Slim-Fast, with the obvious exception that you drink a soy protein shake for breakfast and lunch. Soy has been said to increase muscle mass and help the body burn fat, making it ideal for weight loss. But like the Slim-Fast approach, the soy protein diet is not considered one that will lead to long-term weight loss---simply because it is not likely to be sustained over a lifetime (nor should it be).
WonderSlim Diet
The WonderSlim Diet is centered around protein-enriched meal-replacement shakes, but also consists of nutritional bars, soups and a specific meal plan (it even offers a shopping list to help you determine what types of foods to buy). The advantages of the WonderSlim Diet is that it is relatively cheaper than other plans, and each meal on the program takes five minutes or less to prepare. It's also considered a diet that teaches healthy choices and can be sustained over a long period. This has earned the WonderSlim plan mostly positive reviews.
Protein Shake & Vegetable Diet
A plan that's rising in popularity consists solely of protein shakes and vegetables. Followers of this diet have a protein shake for breakfast, lunch and dinner, supplementing it with three or four servings of vegetables each day---for a total of about 1,200 calories per day for women and around 1,500 for men. The protein and veggie diet has been proven to result in quick weight loss, but overall, the protein found in shakes is not considered to be enough to sustain the diet forever.
There is little doubt that most protein shake diets will help shed pounds quickly. As an added bonus, protein shakes are easy to prepare and perfect for people on the go. But when it comes to the long-term, there is no evidence to suggest that followers of these diets will make healthy choices or keep the weight off.