Specialized Weight Loss Programs for Different Body Types
The somatotype system classifies the body into three types according to bone structure, overall musculature, and fat content. Everyone is a combination of the three types but in most cases one type is more pronounced than the others.
Ectomorphic body types are characterized by long, thin muscles, a small bone structure, and tend to have little body fat. Endomorphic body types are stocky, with large bones, have plenty of muscle, and tend to store excess body fat. Mesomorphic body types are considered natural athletes; they have large bone structures, are muscular, and have relatively low body fat.
Ectomorph Diet
Ectomorphs have a difficult time gaining weight. Ectomorphs rarely need to do more than cut out useless foods such as soda, sport drinks, and sweets. If these adjustments have no impact on body fat levels, talk with a health care professional to rule out any underlying issues such as a thyroid problem.
Mesomorph Diet
Mesomorphs can simply reduce overall calories to lose extra weight; especially when combined with moderate exercise.
Endomorph Diet
If you are an endomorph it is not enough to make minor lifestyle adjustments. Your diet must be strict and it has to be one that you can live with. Because your body tends to store fat, remove fat from your diet by buying only the leanest cuts of meat and removing any excess, bake, broil, or grill; never fry.
Eat carbs that are high in fiber because this helps you to feel full longer and improves digestion. Eat 5 -- 6 small to medium meals instead of three long ones. This ensures never being overly hungry and spreads out calories so that your body can use the nutrients for energy instead of storing them as fat.
Both ectomorphs and mesomorphs will find that any regular exercise will be enough to burn enough calories to remove excess pounds. Endomorphs are not as lucky. Endomorphs have plenty of natural muscle but that does not mean that weight lifting should be skipped, it does mean that the weight training needs to specific. Higher repetitions should be used (12 -- 15) with minimal rest between exercises. Circuit training which combines weight training with cardiovascular conditioning is a good option. Aerobic exercise is not an option for endomorphs; it's a necessity. Start with an aerobic exercise for 20 minutes, 3 days a week, and gradually increase training time and/or days according to personal needs.
Because exercise for the endomorph is a life long process, use as much variety as possible to keep fitness fun. Use every piece of gym equipment such as rowers, stair steppers, bikes and, join aerobic classes, spin classes, or dancing classes.