Ways to Lose Weight Fast
Fasting and Cleansing
Many natural health practitioners recommend fasting as a way to lose weight and detoxify the body. A traditional fast involves consuming a large quantity of water daily and eliminating food from the diet for three to ten days. If the body goes into starvation mode, the metabolism will slow down and the body will start storing food instead of eliminating it. There are many other fasts used to cleanse the body that work to keep the metabolism strong through the duration of the fast.
The lemon honey fast involves mixing 1 tbsp of honey, with the juice of half a lemon and a pinch of cayenne pepper with one cup of purified water. 12 cups of the mixture is consumed daily for three to ten days. It is also popular to include a splash of apple cider vinegar in this mixture. Apple cider vinegar contains a fiber known as pectin, which helps to cleanse fat, toxins and cholesterol from the body. Honey is known to help with digestion, lemon juice is believed to cleanse the liver, assisting with the processing of fats and supporting digestion. Cayenne pepper is known to speed the metabolism and cleanse the bowels.
Another type of fast is the fruit and vegetable fast. This means only consuming raw fruit and vegetables or fruit and vegetable juice for three to ten days. Fruit and vegetables have a high water and fiber content and contain many vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes support the digestive system and support metabolic health. Ginger supports the body's ability to produce digestive enzymes and can be added to juices.
Make sure you drink eight to twelve cups of water daily when you want to lose weight to assist with cleansing the body, easier digestion and flushing the colon clear.
Dandelion root is known to cleanse the liver and kidneys, supporting digestive health and the breakdown of fats. Marshmallow root, fennel and licorice root cleanse and soothe the intestines encouraging easy digestion. Astragalus is known to boost the metabolism by toning the adrenal glands. Add 1 tsp of these herbs to a cup of boiled water. Allow it to steep for three to five minutes and then strain and drink one to three cups of the tea daily.
Psyllium husk can be added to water, juice, smoothies, shakes or cereal to help cleanse the colon. Psyllium husk forms a gel like substance that sweeps the colon clean as it is expelled from the body. Psyllium husk absorbs a lot of water, so it is important to make sure you drink plenty of water when consuming it.