What to Eat to Lose the Pounds
It sounds simple, but if you're stuck in a rut of bad eating habits, it can be easier said than done. You'll have to start slowly, making small changes in how you eat. In time, these changes will become permanent and you will start losing weight.
Eat Protein at Each Meal
Having protein with each meal will help you stay satisfied until the next meal. You will be less likely to snack between meals. Quality protein foods include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds.
Add More Vegetables to Meals
Vegetables are so low in calories that you can usually consume large amounts without worrying about gaining weight. That makes them perfect to fill up on during meals. Leafy green salads are ideal, just be sure to watch out for the dressing.
Include Healthy Carbs
Lots of people consider carbs a no-no when it comes to losing weight, but the truth is there are good carbs and bad carbs. The good carbs are made up of high quality complex carbohydrates. They help fill you up and keep you feeling full as you lose weight. It's OK to reduce the amount you eat, but you shouldn't cut them from your diet completely. Some examples of good carbs are wild rice, brown rice, products made with whole wheat flour, whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, fruits and vegetables.
Consume Healthy Fats
You need fat for a well-rounded diet. Your body requires fat to function properly. The key is to include healthy sources of fat in your diet such as olive oil, canola oil, oil from flax seeds, fish, almonds and other nuts and seeds. It's important to use moderation with fats as well as any other foods consumed when you're trying to figure out what to eat to lose the pounds.