Staples for Weight Loss
Daily Exercise
Daily exercise does not mean you need to hit the gym every single day and run on the treadmill until the gym closes. This simply means be active every day. If you are at work try to take a break every few hours and walk around the office. Or take a walk in the evening for a few miles every day. The more you move the more calories you will burn and the more weight you will lose.
Outside of taking daily walks you should partake in some sort of weight program. Lifting weights not only burns calories while you are lifting the weights, but afterwords as well. Because lifting the weights breaks down muscle tissue, your body has to work to rebuild them. This uses up calories. Using weights also kicks your metabolism into overdrive, which will allow you to burn through more calories in a shorter period of time.
It is important to start your day out right. This means you need to eat breakfast. Eating breakfast will stoke your metabolism early, which will allow you to burn through your calories faster, which will mean loosing weight faster. However, you will need to continuously stoke your metabolism fire. If you skip a meal the fire will die and and metabolism will drop significantly, which will result in your body storing the fat cells in ingests. Avoid this by eating all of your daily meals, with snacks of fruit or vegetables in between.
Also, avoid fast food. Most fast food is chock full of calories and saturated fat, which will significantly hinder your weight loss process. Instead, pack a lunch if possible, and if not, pick up a fresh sandwich from a sub shop and bypass the potato chips.
Beverages are actually where you may pick up your greatest amount of calories. A can of soda will have around 120 calories each, and the worst thing is they are empty calories, meaning it does not fill you up. Avoid soda and other drinks and stick with water. Water will help push your meals through your digestive system and keep you feeling fuller longer. Water can also help boost your metabolism and keep it burning until your next meal.