Garlic & Weight Loss
Garlic is used for weight loss because it is an appetite suppressant. According to Med Spice, when garlic is consumed, it reduces the feeling of hunger by stimulating the brain's satiety center. Garlic regulates the appetite when the brain's sensitivity to leptin is increased through its consumption. The hormone leptin helps to reduce fat by speeding up the metabolism and releasing adrenalin to the nervous system. Mustard oil is a natural diuretic found in garlic. It works to cleanse the body by promoting a muscular contraction called peristalsis that breaks down fat clumps. This process loosens fat, washing it away.
When garlic is crushed, it produces its highest health and weight lost benefit. According to Medical News Today, antioxidants, intestinal anti-parasites, anti-bacterials and antibiotics such as allicin and phytoncide are released from garlic when it is crushed. These properties reduce cholesterol and help to maintain a healthy life. Many powerful antioxidants such as vitamins C, E and B that are found in garlic help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, bacterial infection and cancer. Garlic provides the best benefits when eaten raw or baked, as allicin, the anti bacterial substance in garlic, is destroyed when garlic is cooked.
The medicinal use of garlic in ancient Egypt, Greece and China dates back to 4000 B.C. Garlic was given to the builders of the Cheops Pyramids in ancient Egypt to boost their immune systems. According to the Texas Nutrition Institute, Hippocrates recommended garlic as a diuretic to help increase the flow of urine. Hippocrates lived between the years of 460 to 360 B.C., and is considered to be the "father" of Western medicine. The Institute also notes that the Greeks used garlic to bring strength to their athletes in the Olympic Games.
There are two species of garlic grown, Allium sativum and A. longicuspis. The classification of garlic as a "softnect" or a "hardneck" is the only distinct difference between the two species. Allium sativum, hardneck garlic, may appear purple or white. This type of garlic is grown in Mexico, South America and the Imperial Valley of California. Allium sativum is not suited to grow in the Pacific Northwest. The A. longicuspis--softneck garlic--is grown in California. This type of garlic can be tan, white or a have a purple tint.
Research published by the National Institute of Health shows that there are potentially harmful side effects when certain types of HIV/AIDS medication are combined with garlic supplements. There is a small percentage of people who are allergic to garlic. The symptoms of an allergic reaction to garlic include skin rash, headache and fever. Too much garlic could lead to irritation or damage to the digestive tract. It is best to avoid garlic before surgery because it could potentially disrupt anti-coagulant drugs.