The Best Way to Work Out for Weight Loss
Interval Training
This is one of the best activities for those who want to lose significant weight over a relatively short period of time. Interval training will get the heart rate up significantly and get the body to burn calories even after the exercise has stopped. Go to your local high school or college track. In order to run intervals, you will be running a series of sprints over a short period of time. You will measure off blocks of 80 yards, 60 yards and 40 yards. Start by sprinting 80 yards and then sprint another 60 yards within 10 seconds of finishing the first sprint. Within seconds of the 60-yard sprint, run 40 yards at top speed. Take a one-minute break and repeat the three sprints. You can move on to another activity after that but try to run two more intervals before the end of your training session. Running a series of four intervals will get your heart rate up significantly and help you burn calories throughout the day, even after your workout has ended. Interval training can be done on an everyday basis or an every-other-day basis. This will burn about 450 calories within 30 minutes.
Distance Running
This requires time, dedication and a consistent personality. Running at least three miles on an every-other-day basis will get your heart rate up and will help you burn calories at a significantly high level. It will help you burn fuel. You can run throughout your town or neighborhood, but if you are going to make a serious and consistent effort to run regularly, you might want to consider running at your local high school or college track because the soft track surface is not only much better for your feet, legs, hips and back, it will also force your body to work harder during the running process. If running is not your top activity of choice, you can use a stationary bike or elliptical machine to help you achieve cardiovascular fitness and help you lose weight. You will burn more than 300 calories in 30 minutes of running, biking or working out on the elliptical trainer.
This sport is one of the best calorie-burning activities available. Playing 30 minutes of racquetball will help your burn 400 calories or more. The nonstop running is similar to sprinting and will help you burn calories even after you are off the court.