Weight Loss Organizations
Overeaters Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous was founded in 1960 and welcomes anyone with problems dealing with food. Groups include members dealing with bulimia and anorexia as well as binge eaters. The purpose of the organization is to deal with compulsive eating within a twelve step program. The program includes a spiritual connection as many of the steps involve bringing God into the process. However, Overeaters Anonymous is non denominational and welcomes everyone. Members of the organization partake in group meetings, have a mentor and are encourage to write about their experiences, as well as reach out to members on the phone when they are struggling. There is no cost involved with joining Overeaters Anonymous.
Jenny Craig
Jenny Craig was founded by Sid and Jenny Craig in 1983. The Jenny Craig plan begins with a one-on-one consultation that can be done in a center or over the phone. The plan consists of prepared frozen and dry food that is supplemented with fresh dairy and produce from the grocery store. Jenny Craig focuses on portion control and maintaining an active life style. The Jenny Craig organization offers plans that vary in length and personalization. Members who partake in the online Jenny Direct program will have meals delivered to them. Jenny Craig also provides meal plans for men, teenagers and vegetarians.
TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) was founded in 1948 by Esther Manz as a non profit organization to help people create and maintain a healthy life style. The program helps people manage behaviors associated with food, food consumption and healthy activities. TOPS does not provide members with a specific meal plan but recognizes the need for small changes instead of a drastic reduction in calories. The organization encourages members to use the food exchange program or set up a food plan with a physician. TOPS members meet once a week with their group for a private weigh in and group discussion. Members also participate in group events like rallies and retreats.
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers has been around since 1963 and has a similar approach to TOPS, although it is a for profit organization. Weight Watchers members can either meet with a local chapter or participate in an individual weight loss program online. Weight Watchers provides recipes based on a points system. Foods are assigned points and members keep track of points instead of calories. Meetings include private weigh ins and group support and advice, while the online program lets members track their individual success and gives them access to work out demonstrations and videos.
Nutrisystem, originally called Shape Up, a franchise of weight loss centers, became Internet based in 2000. Unlike most weight loss organizations, it does not include group meetings or individualized support through a mentor or consultant. The organization focuses on portion controlled meal replacements that target both men and women and includes meal plans for diabetics and vegetarians. Members can join online and have the choice of ordering a pre-planned 28 day meal plan or can create their own individualized plan. The program includes three meals a day as well as snacks. The food is delivered right to members' doors. Members can choose to partake in the plan month by month or set up recurring delivery.