How Much Water Do You Need Daily to Lose Weight?
Over half of the human body is made up of water, making water an essential part to every bodily function. According to, water helps carry toxins from your body, helps boost your metabolism, helps to regulate your hunger, helps to regulate your body's temperature and keeps your eyes, ears, nose, hair and skin moist.
Water Intake
Many things affect how much water you need to drink on a daily basis. says things such as your activity levels, the climate you live in, your weight and your diet all affect your daily water needs. In addition, says if you eat foods that have a high water content, then you may need less water than someone who doesn't eat a diet of water-rich foods. That being said, it is generally a good rule of thumb to aim to drink eight, 8 oz. glasses of water a day.
Water and Diet
According to, when you are on a diet and are trying to lose weight, you need to drink extra water for a few reasons. Extra water in your diet will help aid the fat-burning process, help fiber travel through your digestive system and help you feel fuller for longer. In addition, when you start a diet, you usually lose a certain amount of weight right away. This is mostly water loss. To prevent you from getting dehydrated during this time, you will need to make sure you drink enough water. To determine your exact water needs while dieting, check out the water calculator at
Water Substitutes
If you get tired of drinking plain water, you can spruce up your water with a fresh-squeezed lemon or a green tea bag. You can also substitute water with juice and noncaffeinated beverages such as root beer. Just be careful when you are dieting that you don't drink extra calories by trying to find a water substitute.
Additional Tips
Never let yourself feel thirsty. If you feel thirsty, then your body is telling you that you are already a little bit dehydrated and you haven't been drinking enough water. Your body also tells you when you are getting enough water when your urine is a pale yellow color. If your urine is dark yellow, start drinking.
To help you remember to drink water, carry it everywhere with you. In the car, in the office, by your bed--these are all good places to keep a bottle of water. also says it is a good idea to start your day off right by drinking a few glasses of water first thing in the morning instead of coffee.