How to Lose Weight After Prednisone
Modify your diet. Because prednisone increases appetite, you'll need to alter your eating patten to lose the weight. Decrease your daily calories by 250 to 500 calories a day. Replace unhealthy, sugary foods with whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetable and low-fat meats.
Start exercising. Devote between 30 and 60 minutes to physical activity or exercise a day---or at least three times a week. Get a gym membership, start jogging or walking, or buy workout videos.
Eat less salt. Along with increased appetite, prednisone causes fluid retention or water weight. Watch your salt intake and eat no more than 1,500 mg a day. Rinse canned vegetable before cooking and limit your consumption of processed foods.
Drink plenty of water. Consume at least eight glasses of water a day (more if possible) to expel excess fluids and sodium from your body. This reduces water retention and extra weight.
Increase potassium intake. Potassium is an essential mineral, and if you're coming off prednisone, potassium-rich foods balance the sodium in your body and remove excess fluid. Good choices include bananas, apples, peas, nuts and salmon.