Recommended Daily Values for a 1300 Calorie Diet
U.S. Food Pyramid
The USDA's Food Pyramid has been revised to give a clearer picture of what foods we should eat each day and the proper amounts for each. It also includes exercise recommendations. In general, people should concentrate on eating more whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats and eliminate most refined sugar, salt and fats.
According to (see References for a link), five daily 4-oz servings of whole grains (whole grain bread, pasta, brown rice etc.) provide fiber to fill you up and to keep the digestive tract working properly. Check the label for whole grain products, which have been processed less than multigrain or white products.
Three 1-cup servings of fruit will provide vitamin C and other vitamins needed to prevent illness. Choose whole fruit rather than fruit juice in order to get additional fiber. Choose fresh fruit over canned to avoid additional preservatives.
Two 1.5-cup servings of vegetables daily provide additional vitamins and fiber. Choose fresh vegetables rather than canned to avoid extra salt.
Six 2-cup servings of milk, yogurt or low fat cheese provides calcium and protein to build strong bones and teeth. Soy milk products may be used by those who are lactose intolerant.
Meat and Beans
Two 3-oz servings of lean meat, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds or beans provides protein and energy to help bones and muscles remain strong. Grill or bake these items rather than frying them to avoid eating additional fat and calories.
A 1,300-calorie diet is a drastic diet that should only be followed under the direction and recommendation of a doctor or nutritionist. Because there are so few calories it is very difficult to meet nutritional needs fully.
Consult a physician or nutritionist if you feel dizzy, weak or lightheaded or experience any other problems when following this meal plan.
The 1,300-calorie food recommendations above allow for 4 tsp daily of fats or oils and 171 discretionary calories for seasonings and flavor.