Weight Loss Camps for Young Adults

Losing weight can be a difficult and sometimes lonely process, especially for young adults. With all the conflicting information out there, young adults may struggle with finding an effective fitness plan on their own. One option for people with weight problems is to attend a weight loss camp designed especially for young adults.
  1. Functions

    • Weight loss camps for young adults function by providing a strict exercise and diet routine while at the camp. Usually, campers lose a significant amount of weight while attending. Weight loss camps also educate their participants on general health and proper diet and exercise. In short, these camps not only help young adults lose weight, but they provide important tools to help keep the weight off and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

    Time Frame

    • Weight loss camps for young adults usually offer camps throughout the entire summer. However, the sessions are often broken down into four-, six- or eight-week sessions. Young adults can choose the single session or multiple sessions that will best fit their schedule and lifestyle.


    • Weight loss camps for young adults do more than provide healthy food and fitness in a controlled environment. According to Camp LaJolla, a weight loss camp in California, its young adult program also focuses on self-esteem and self-confidence to help collegiate or professional young adult campers achieve personal growth. Camps offer traditional fitness centers and aerobics classes in addition to water sports, dance seminars, horseback riding and ropes courses. Activities vary at each camp and give young adults a chance to try a variety and decide what to incorporate into their daily routine.


    • There are several weight loss camps with programs geared toward young adults.

      Camp Shane, in Ferndale, New York, offers three programs for young adults. Their "Women Only" program caters to women 18-25. Their "High School Seniors" program is geared toward young men and women who are 17 years old or going into their senior year of high school. Camp Shane also offers a co-ed program for men and women ages 18-25.

      Summer Contact (June 6-September 9)
      302 Harris Road
      Ferndale, NY 12734
      (845) 292-4644
      [email protected]

      Off-Season Contact (September 10-June 5)
      134 Teatown Road
      Croton on Hudson, NY 10520
      (914) 271-4141
      [email protected]

      Camp LaJolla is a weight loss camp in LaJolla, California, which offers a program exclusively for young women ages 19-29. The camp is at the University of California-San Diego, although the camp is private and is not sponsored by the university.

      Camp LaJolla
      University of California-
      San Diego
      LaJolla, CA
      (619) 435-7990
      [email protected]

      Wellspring Camps offers weight loss camps for young adults age 18-25 with locations in Hawaii, California, New York and the United Kingdom. Contact the camp for enrollment or to request a brochure and informational DVD.

      Wellspring Camps
      (866) 364-0808


    • At weight loss camps, young adults will be in a controlled, yet motivational environment. They'll have the support of peers and counselors who truly understand weight struggles. However, young adults who may previously have led a sedentary lifestyle will daily attempt activities that may be challenging at first. Campers will also be required to stick to a nutrition plan with foods that may be radically different from their typical fare. However, if young adults commit to the weight loss program during the camp sessions and beyond, the results can be positive and life changing.

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