The Best Way to Lose Weight From the Arms
Cardio Exercise
Using exercise machines or exercising outside may not seem to be a great method for losing arm weight, but cardiovascular exercise is great because it targets your body as a whole to lose weight and gain muscle, which burns more fat. Try using rowing machines, elliptical machines, skiing or any other method of cardio exercise that uses your arms for exercise at the same time the rest of your body is working. While your heart rate is elevated, you are burning body fat. By using your arms while exercising, you are burning arm fat and toning your arms at the same time.
Weight Training
Cardiovascular exercise is not the only way to tone and shape your arms. Weight training is another option. Using free weights, you can raise the weights straight in front of you or to your side. Weight machines are another way to target your arm muscles. Each machine is designed to tone a specific muscle group in your arms. Using these machines on a regular basis, rotate from one machine to the next. This will improve your arm strength and help burn fat.
Other Forms of Exercise
Push-ups are a great way to tone your arms, and if you have a bar that can be used for pull-ups, that's another exercise that uses the full range of arm motion.
Drink Plenty of Water
Any time you exercise, it is important to keep your body properly hydrated. Drink plenty of water to lubricate your joints and help your body flush out toxins that metabolize fats. This will increase your ability to burn fat.