Chinese Herbs for Diets
Herbs for Metabolism
A sluggish metabolism causes many people to be unable to lose weight effectively. Years of crash dieting forces metabolism to process foods slower and store more food as fat for later use in the event the body is starved. Aging also slows down metabolism, which is why many older dieters struggle with weight loss.
Do not eat very low calorie diets to promote and enhance the metabolism. Along with eating a well balanced diet, herbs such as ginseng, ginger, cinnamon, epimedium, atractylodes, astragalus and eucommia bark work on the natural metabolism of the body. Helping the metabolism move efficiently to process foods and encourage digestion will improve your chances of losing weight.
Herbs for Energy
A very low calorie diet can cause you to lack energy, which discourages you from maintaining the diet for a long period. While an extremely low calorie diet is not recommended, it is necessary to take in fewer calories than are used for energy in order to lose weight. To maintain energy while going through the weight loss process, Chinese herbs can help increase your energy and help you feel great while you are losing weight.
Ginseng is one of the most popular herbs used to increase energy and metabolism for those who are dieting or need an extra boost of energy. Schizandra is not a well known Chinese herb, but it has a number of health benefits that increase stamina, energy and boost the immune system. Many use schizandra as an herb that will prolong youth for both men and women.
Herbs for Digestion
Enhancing digestion is also a tremendous benefit for weight loss and dieting. The digestive process involves extracting nutrients from the foods that we eat and then eliminating waste and storing food for energy to be used later. The digestive process must be healthy to store food properly for energy and not as fat in the body.
Using herbal supplements or cooking with Chinese herbs that boost the digestive process will help the body to work more efficiently while dieting. The organs that are most important to healthy digestion are the stomach and the spleen. Chinese herbs detoxify these organs, which will help these organs function more efficiently.
Ginger is a widely used Chinese herb that is commonly used for digestion. It is well known for counteracting nausea, but also to counteract any poisons that may be in foods.