Foot Reflexology Weight Loss
Foot Reflexology for a Fee
Foot reflexology can be expensive. Reflexologists charge as much as $30 for a 30-minute session. The American Reflexology Certification Board offers a certification exam for reflexologists.
Going Solo with Reflexology
There is virtually no danger associated with performing reflexology on yourself. To accomplish self reflexology you might want to visit a reflexologist to see firsthand how a typical session progresses. Another option is to purchase socks designed to facilitate reflexology. These socks identify the parts of the foot associated with the corresponding body parts. They can facilitate reflexology if you decide to perform it yourself. Keep in mind, though, that the socks do create a thin barrier and can lessen the direct pressure you'll be able to apply to your desired pressure points.
Reflexology and Weight Loss
With foot reflexology, weight loss is possible if you focus on specific areas of the foot. Find a foot reflexology chart online that shows the parts of the feet that correspond to specific organs. Focus on the spleen for weight loss. The reflexology point for the spleen is located around the middle of the sole of your foot. Reflexology charts will have a corresponding number for each body organ or gland. Stimulating your spleen by using foot reflexology can help to nourish your spleen resulting in a decreased appetite. Use your thumbs when performing reflexology to create the most stimulation and pressure.
In addition to the spleen, also focus on digestive organs, including the pancreas and kidneys. This will help you absorb more nutrients and better utilize the foods you consume. Stimulating the endocrine glands, including the pituitary and thyroid will also aid weight loss by regulating your hormones.
Keep in mind that reflexology alone might not help you achieve the weight loss you desire. Reflexology can facilitate the weight-loss process, but depending on how much weight you need to lose, you'll also likely need to follow sensible diet habits and exercise.