The Best Weight-Loss Solutions
People tend to stop exercising because of boredom, injury or lack of time. Many dieters don't know what type of exercise will burn the most calories. Cardiovascular exercise not only burns the most calories, but helps strengthen the heart.
Choose a time everyday to exercise, even if it is for a few minutes. There are ways to fit in exercising while running errands or at work. Take a walk on your lunch hour by rationing time for eating and exercising. For information about how many calories you burn according to your weight, follow the link in references. Avoid elevators and take the stairs. Thirty minutes of going up the stairs burns 300 calories, which is equivalent to eating a medium salad of vegetables with balsamic dressing. Walk for your meal. Instead of driving to the grocery store, walk to pick up groceries. People are generally less likely to pick out too many food items when they know the walk home is waiting for them.
The best time to workout is three hours before bed. This will prevent temptations to eat another meal to compensate for the calories lost from the workout. Give yourself four hours if the exercise is too energizing.
Eat five small meals throughout the day. When people skip meals, their body's metabolism slows down. The body can go into starvation mode because of lack of calories. Eat a moderate breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks to keep your strength and burn calories during digestion. Some dieters have problems deciding what to eat for their meals and snacks. Keep in mind 1 pound is 3,500 calories. Therefore, lose weight by cutting 500 calories a day in order to lose 1 pound a week. Do not eat less than 1,200 calories, because it will deprive the body of nutrition and send it into starvation mode.
Other Weight-Loss Solutions
Flush toxins and excess water out of your body by drinking at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water daily and eating fibrous foods. Fiber stays in your stomach longer; therefore, keeping you full longer. As insoluble fiber goes through your digestive tract, it takes with it toxins and waste. Incorporate legumes, nuts, bran, celery and whole grains into your meals. Weigh yourself everyday to track your progress, stick to goals and to get an idea how the food you eat affects your body. For example, foods high in carbohydrates will quickly add water weight. Reward yourself with time for hobbies, vacations and clothes instead of food. Rather than buying that tasty pastry, purchase a gourmet coffee.