Fiber Supplements for Dieting
Fiber is an important nutrient that promotes good digestive health. Because fiber helps food move through your digestive system more quickly, increasing fiber intake can be associated with weight loss. Often, taking supplements can help you get all the fiber you need in your diet.-
Benefits of Fiber
Fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate found in many plants (fruits and vegetables are good natural sources of fiber). Fiber works by holding onto water as it passes through the digestive system. This increased water leads to softer stools and more frequent bowel movements. Many people do not get the 20 to 38 grams of fiber in their diet each day and must rely on supplements to meet daily requirements. This is especially true in people that are on low calorie weight loss diets. Because fiber moves food through the digestive tract more quickly, it can oftentimes promote the removal of fats and toxins. In addition to keeping food moving through the digestive system quickly, fiber can help lower cholesterol. Fiber can also help regulate blood glucose levels, which can also contribute to weight loss over time. Fiber is filling, so taking fiber supplements can help you feel full and help you avoid snacking between meals. Taking a fiber supplement with a big glass of water before a meal can help you avoid overeating.
Drawbacks of Fiber Supplements
Too much fiber can be problematic. More than 50 grams of fiber per day (especially when not accompanied by adequate water) can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea or spastic bowel disorder. Excess fiber from supplements also has the potential to adhere to nutrients like iron and calcium and carry them out of the body rather than allowing them to be absorbed naturally. Additionally, it is important to read the ingredient label on the fiber supplement. Many supplements contain calories that can unwittingly add to your daily calorie intake.
Studies on Fiber and Weight Loss
Studies researching the effectiveness of fiber supplements on weight loss are mixed. Some studies have shown that increasing fiber by 14 grams daily can lead to a nearly five pound weight loss in four months. Other studies have shown this effect to be greater in overweight people than in thin people. Still other studies have shown fiber supplements to have no effect at all. If you are considering a weight loss diet, then taking fiber supplements will do no harm and, in fact, may in and if itself promote greater overall health benefits other than weight loss.