Effectiveness of Weight-Loss Pills
There are two main types of weight-loss pills, according to the Mayo Clinic. The first are prescription-level pills, which are FDA-approved and require a doctor's consultation to obtain. The second are over-the-counter pills, which have not been approved by the FDA, and therefore can be unreliable. To date, the only over-the-counter weight loss pill that has gotten FDA approval is Alli, which is a reduced-strength version of a prescription-grade pill called orlistat.
Weight-loss pills are a significant option out there for people to consider, says MedicineNet. Before starting a weight-loss program, it is widely recommended to see a doctor to make sure you are in good health. Consult with your doctor to determine if a prescription-strength weight-loss pill would be a viable option for you. If so, you will get a prescription for a product that will aid you on your journey for long-term weight loss.
The Mayo Clinic states that most FDA-approved weight-loss pills help block your body from absorbing fat from the foods that you eat, allowing you to lose a bit of extra weight each week. Over-the-counter drugs do various things and contain many different ingredients that manufacturers claim help with weight loss. Various people who have tried the over the counter pills have had mixed results, with some being satisfied and others being disappointed. Since the FDA cannot confirm the claims made about the pills, it makes it extremely difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of those weight-loss products.
If you are prescribed a weight-loss pill, it is important to follow the directions associated with it when taking it. Be aware of any side effects and always consult with your doctor regarding any questions that you may have. In August 2009, the "U.S. News & World Report" said that Alli and the prescription-strength weight-loss drug Xenical would be investigated due to reports of liver problems by the FDA. If you decide to take an over-the-counter pill, do so at your own risk. The side effects may vary from person to person, and there is no guarantee that it will help with your weight loss.
The success of your weight loss may very well be influenced by your weight-loss pill usage. You will look and feel better, and have increased energy, self-confidence and likely see an improved social life. Excess weight is not healthy to have and can lead to the increase of other health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart problems. FDA-approved weight-loss pills can be effective in aiding the weight-loss process, so it is worth considering as an option.