Hypnotizing and Weight Loss
How it Works
Hypnosis uses relaxation and visualization to bring your body into a deep state of relaxation, or trance. While in the trance your unconscious mind receives instructions, also called hypnotic suggestions, from the hypnotist. Once the hypnotist has brought you out of the trance, your unconscious mind remembers these suggestions and acts on them. This can only happen if the person is able to be hypnotized. Not all people can enter a trance through hypnosis.
Why it Works
The mind is connected to every part of the body; it sends signals to the heart to keep beating and the lungs to keep breathing without you even having to think about it. The hypnotic suggestions given to the unconscious mind during hypnosis act in a similar way. The unconscious mind remembers these suggestions and your body responds them without you having to think consciously about it.
Hypnotic Suggestions
Hypnosis for weight loss is about a change in your actions and behavior, not an actual physical change to your body. The hypnotic suggestions you are given will help to eliminate the bad habits that have caused you to gain weight and kept you from losing it. In addition, you will be given suggestions that will instill good habits. For example, your hypnotic suggestions may be, "You will not snack between meals" and "If you must eat, you will eat only vegetables."
Finding a Hypnotist
Finding a qualified hypnotist can be difficult. The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis has a list of licensed hypnotists. These hypnotists are qualified to practice hypnosis for medical reasons, but they also be expensive. If you want to try hypnosis without spending a lot of money, try self-hypnosis. There are many self-hypnosis CDs and tapes available, or you can write and record your own.
Hypnosis should not be attempted by all people. Those with psychiatric illnesses should not try hypnosis without contacting their doctor first. Undergoing hypnosis with a psychiatric illness can sometimes cause more harm than good. Those with anorexia and bulimia especially should not try hypnosis for weight loss, as this can worsen their symptoms. Instead, they should seek psychiatric help.