Targeted Weight Loss
Everyone has a different ideal weight based on their gender, height and body frame. An easy method for finding a rough estimate for your ideal weight is to add 5 to every inch you are above 5 feet. For example, if you are 5 feet 9 inches tall, then your number would be 45. For a women, add this number to 100. Add 10 percent to the number if you have a large frame. Men should add their inch number to 106. Again, add 10 percent to your number if you have a large frame.
Another way of figuring out your ideal weight is to calculate your body mass index (see References). Knowing an estimate of what your weight should be will help you set a weight loss goal. Keep your number handy and weigh yourself at least every other day to track your progress.
Everyone has a different amount of calories they need to consume in a day. A calorie is a unit of energy in food, which is the same amount of heat released during body oxidation. Basically, if you eat a muffin that is 300 calories, then you need to engage in activity that burns 300 calories to burn off the muffin. There are three relatively uncomplicated ways to find out how many calories you need to eat. If you live a sedentary life, take your weight and multiply it by 14. For more active lifestyles, multiply your weight by 17. People who engage in rigorous activities should multiply their weight by 20.
To lose weight, you must burn more calories then you take in. A pound has 3,500 calories. Therefore, if you cut out 500 calories a day, then you will lose 1 lb. a week. You generally should not try to lose more than 2 to 4 lbs. a week.
Belly Fat
Age, hormone changes and stress influence the storage of fat in the lower abdomen. Ways to limit this fat are reducing your caloric intake, refraining from foods that cause bloating, and eating a diet high in protein, whole grains, vegetables and fruit. Many people experience bloating, which makes their stomachs look more prominent. Refrain from eating dairy products that can cause gas, and soak beans before preparing. Incorporate fiber in your diet to flush away toxins and excess water weight.
Engage in toning exercises like Pilates, yoga and moderate walking. Be careful with excessive exercising, because it will make you hungrier and more likely to binge. Find your ideal weigh and caloric intake, then eat the right food for targeting belly fat.