Quick Weight Loss Programs
Nutrition for Quick Weight Loss
The first thing to do when designing a quick weight loss program is to focus on your nutrition. Proper nutrition includes a daily diet consisting of all five basic food groups.
You also need to focus on adding more protein to your diet. Protein provides you with energy and is necessary for building lean muscle. Your protein intake should be at 35 percent of your daily calories, your carbohydrate intake at about 45 percent of your daily calories and your fat intake should make up 20 percent of your daily calories. You want to limit your sugar and saturated fat on a daily basis.
Your carbohydrates should come from fresh fruits and whole grains. Carbohydrates from white bread, white rice and regular noodles tend to cause a spike in your insulin levels when eaten, which in turn signals the body to hold on to fat. By using brown rice, whole grain bread and whole wheat pasta, you can stop the insulin spikes that lead to fat gain, while at the same time adding necessary fiber to your diet.
Cardiovascular Training for Quick Weight Loss
It is time to hit the pavement as they say. You need to get your heart pumping and your muscles working in order to burn off excess calories and fat stores as well as increase your metabolism. Cardiovascular training is essential to any quick weight-loss program. You should perform at least 30 to 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three times per week to see results.
There are many different cardiovascular exercises to perform that will burn fat and keep you from being bored. The most common is running, either outdoors or inside on a treadmill. If your knees or back cannot handle the strain of running, you can bicycle or swim. At your local gym you should be able to find a wide selection of cardiovascular equipment that can help get you started. Also, in most gyms today, cable television is accessible on your equipment to make the time go faster.
Resistance Training for Quick Weight Loss
Many people do not realize the importance of resistance training in a quick weight loss program. It is not only important for men, but just as important for women to engage in weight training in order to lose weight. Resistance training burns a great deal of calories when performing, but this is only the beginning of its benefits.
By building the muscles in your body, you increase your metabolism greatly. It is through an increased metabolism that you burn fat in the most efficient manner. Your metabolism is how many calories your body burns continually. You will spend only an hour and a half, three to four days a week in the gym, but your metabolism is 24/7.
Many women worry about getting too bulky, but the chances of you adding a large amount of muscle are low unless that is your goal. You will simply tone up the muscles of your body and look fit. Resistance training should be done for an hour, three to four days per week. You should make sure to work all muscles of the body over the course of a week.