Foods Not to Eat on a Diet
The most successful weight loss programs are those who have few restrictions. Diets that eliminate a complete food group or contain a lot of prohibited foods are difficult to stick to, as cravings eventually take over and you'll end up eating everything you've been denying yourself. With that in mind, there are some adjustments you can make to your diet to help the process along.-
For Fast Weight Loss
Eliminating carbohydrates produces quick weight loss, as carbs tend to retain water and cause a person to look bloated. In most cases, however, the weight loss is temporary and not from fat, so a long-term diet is still needed to lose weight consistently. For fast weight loss, restrict your carb intake to 2-3 servings in the early part of the day (before 3 p.m.) and nothing afterward. White bread, white rice, pasta and potatoes are examples of carbohydrates you'll want to restrict.
Avoid Always
Sugars should be eliminated from a diet if you are working toward effective weight loss. Pastries, desserts and gourmet drinks such as certain coffees from Starbucks and candy are all plain sugar, which contain many calories and little to no nutritional value. Avoid fast food, as this is mostly deep fried and contains added fats to provide flavor. Creamy sauces, mayonnaise and even salad dressings are loaded with fat and calories. If you can't live without them, switch to the low-fat or light version.
Consume Only in Moderate Amounts
You don't need to give up alcohol completely while on a diet, but it's better to switch to carb-free options. Beer and wine contain a lot of sugar, while whiskey, vodka and most other hard liquors have a lower calorie content and no sugar.
Red meats are also bad for you because of their high content of saturated fat, which not only leads to weight gain but also to high cholesterol. Instead, switch to lean meats and choose chicken, fish or turkey that has been baked or grilled instead of fried.
Processed food in general, including canned foods and frozen meals, can be high in sodium (which causes water retention) and calories. Always check labels before buying anything prepackaged. Anything that comes from a vending machine is usually a big no-no. Instead, pack your own lunch or make your way to a local eatery and order something healthy.