Rate of Weight Loss Per Week
Base Metabolic Rate
The Base Metabolic Rate is a formula developed to let you know the daily caloric requirements used to perform physical and psychological functions. It varies depending on your gender, age, fitness level and eating habits. The formula for calculating a woman's BMR is as follows: BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years). The formula for calculating a man's BMR is as follows: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in year).
Nutrition is a very important element that will determine how much weight you can lose in a week. Generally, cutting down your BMR calories by 20 percent to 25 percent can be the difference between losing more or less pounds a week. You can healthily lose anywhere from 1 to 3 pounds a week depending on your eating habits and lifestyle. To lose more weight in week, it is important to add essential foods such as oats, fruits, vegetables, lean chicken and meats, and fish.
The formula for losing weight is basically energy in (calories) should be less than energy expenditure. In order to lose 1 pound a week, you need to burn anywhere from 3,100-3,500 calories a week. Performing at least an hour of cardiovascular exercises four days a week, in addition to a daily caloric drop, will cause you to lose more weight in a week. Incorporating a well-structured strength-training program at least two times a week will also boost your metabolism and spark faster weight-loss patterns.
It is not recommended that you cut down your BMR calories by half or less, especially if you are exercising intensely and consistently. Not only will your body burn out (fatigue) and cause muscle failure, you could also damage internal organs because of inadequate food. Do not attempt to do too much too soon, because you only risk hurting yourself and eventually having to forfeit your fitness goals. The best results are achieved through progressive smart choices, rather than quick fixes such as fad diets.
It is not a guarantee that you will lose more weight in a week if you skip meals. Skipping meals actually slows down your metabolism because it breaks down muscle tissue. Women should understand that strength training will not make them bulky or mannish as long as they perform a series of proper strength-training exercises designed to burn fat. If you are unsure how to strength-train, consult with a fitness expert. Many gyms offer two complimentary fitness sessions with a fitness expert that can make a huge difference.