Medically-Approved Liquid Weight Loss Diet
Screen Health
Get screened by clinic providing medically-approved liquid weight loss diet. Healthcare professional check your body mass index, or BMI. This number calculates your height to weight ratio. A BMI of 25 or lower is considered a normal range. Numbers higher than 25 means you are overweight and numbers higher than 30 means you are obese. A high BMI increases your risks of developing health problems like heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Programs like OPTIFAST treat people with BMIs higher than 25. The preliminary examination includes lab tests to get an overall perspective of any health conditions you have before starting a liquid diet.
Educate Yourself
Read materials provided by the weight loss clinic. This educational material outlines what you should expect from your customized meal plan. You learn about the risks and benefits involved in using liquid diets for weight loss. Healthcare professional provide a folder of information you need to know before agreeing to a liquid diet, an eating schedule to use during the diet and tools needed to maintain weight loss after you finish your liquid diet. You know what to eat and at what time of day to eat it.
Go to Meetings
Go to the meetings provided by a weight loss clinic. Take advantage of counseling sessions with physicians, registered dietitians and lifestyle counselors. They monitor your health during the liquid diet. Attend small group discussions. These small groups serve as motivation for members to remain on their weight loss journey. These groups include people who have maintained their weight loss using liquid weight loss diets. Weight loss clinics provide numerous services to help you be a weight loss success story. See your personal physician even if you are seeing a doctor at the weight loss clinic.
Follow Exercise Plan
Follow your customized activity plan. Your health care team at the weight loss clinic creates an exercise plan based on your fitness level. The amount of exercise may be as simple as walking a few minutes a day. You learn how to incorporate exercise in your daily life, a necessity to keep maintain weight loss and live a healthy, active life. You may have a follow-up visit after you complete your program so see if you have made a smooth transition to a healthy life.