How Fast Can You Lose Fat?
Nutrition is one of the most important keys to losing body fat percentage. Eating a balanced diet will be difference between losing body fat percentage and staying at staggering plateaus. Generally it is important to cut down your daily calories by at least 20 percent (300 to 500 calories) and eat at least five small meals to boost your metabolism. Consuming healthy foods such as oats, wheats, fish, eggs, beans, lean chicken and adequate fruits and vegetables are better alternatives to high cholesterol and highly saturated fatty foods.
Cardiovascular Exercises
Cardiovascular exercises vary depending on the activity but burn the most calories depending on the frequency and intensity level. To lose body fat faster, it is important to incorporate a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio at least three times a week. Cardiovascular exercises include: running, swimming, elliptical machines, biking and sports. How fast you lose body fat will vary depending on your body structure, genetics and physical intensity. The harder and the smarter you work, the more likely you will lose body fat percentage quickly.
Stregnth Training
Strength training is a fundamental part of losing body fat percentage for both men and women. As you create muscle by lifting moderate weights over high repetitions, you burn more calories and facilitate fat loss. A proper strength training program should cover all the muscle groups and include stretching exercises to allow quicker muscle recovery to help your body burn fat. If you can, consult with a fitness expert to help you come up with a plan to lose body fat. Many gyms offer complimentary fitness sessions with a fitness expert.
Be very careful with fad diets that swear you will lose 20 pounds in a week. The truth is they are poor fat loss diets that do not consider how much damage you can do to your body by following them. Many of them involve eating little to practically nothing. Be careful with fat loss burners or weight loss pills which can have both short and long term effects. Always consult with a physician, a fitness expert or nutritionist before taking any fat loss supplements.
Muscle is not heavier than fat. Five pounds of muscle is equal to five pounds of fat. The only difference is that muscle is more compact compared to fat and makes you slimmer because it takes up less space. Strength training for women will not make you mannish in structure. As long as you follow a well-constructed strength training plan that incorporates total body workouts, with sufficient weights, you will not become bulky.