Weight Loss Menus for Women
Low Carb
The popular low carb diet plan menu includes only protein, vegetables and dairy for approximately two weeks. Low carb diets are based on protein, which takes longer to digest, keeping you fuller for a longer period of time. Low carb diets are especially good for women because they include dairy products, which aid in bone heath.
Eat steak, chicken, fish and tofu as your main source of protein. Include dairy products such as low-fat versions of yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese and milk plus as many fresh vegetables as you want.
Try bacon and eggs for breakfast followed by half a grapefruit for lunch. Eat a large chef's salad with plenty of bacon bits and turkey. Use olive oil and vinegar as a dressing. Satisfy your afternoon cravings with 12 washed, peeled and cut carrots accompanied by low-sugar ranch dressing. Try 3 oz. of fish, chicken or steak for dinner along with two cups of steamed mixed vegetables and a salad. Have a low fat yogurt for your evening snack.
A plant-based diet helps you lose weight plus it may help keep to keep breast cancer away. In 1982 the National Research Council published a report called "Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer" that researched the breast cancer rate of Japanese women who existed primarily on a vegetarian diet. Researchers found that breast cancer in Japan is rare, and they attribute that to the fact that most Japanese eat a plant-based diet.
A plant-based diet also offers weight loss benefits. According to Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D., from the Mayo Clinic, vegetarians typically consume fewer calories, which aids in weight loss. She adds that going vegetarian doesn't guarantee weight loss and you must plan your program carefully.
Eat steel-cut oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast, followed by an apple with a teaspoon of natural peanut butter for a morning snack. Grab a spinach salad with low sugar salad dressing for lunch followed by one cup of mixed berries for a snack. Have a veggie burger for dinner on a multi-grain bun. Include a large salad with raw vegetables topped with sunflower seeds and olive oil and vinegar. End your day with a small piece of multi-grain toasted pita bread and a small amount of butter.
Low Calorie
Lose weight and maintain your youth on a low calorie diet plan. Avoid the plastic surgeon's office when you see signs of aging and try a low calorie diet instead.
According to Dr. Eric Ravussin, chief of health and performance enhancement at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center at Louisiana State University, calorie restriction leads to lower insulin levels and body temperature, both signs of longevity. He also ran a study on low calorie diets and the impact on slowing the aging process and found that participants who followed a low calorie diet lost an average of 15 percent of their body weight.
Eat two eggs and a slice of bacon for breakfast. Have a low fat, low calorie yogurt for a snack followed by a lunch of two cups of raw spinach topped with one teaspoon of olive oil and the juice of one fresh lemon. Have a piece of low fat cheese for your afternoon snack. For dinner, cook or grill a 3-oz. piece of chicken and have it with two cups of steamed vegetables. Have a glass of milk before bed to end your day.