Calcium & Weight Loss
Clinical Findings
According to Science Daily, a study done by the British Journal of Nutrition has shown that calcium intake does boost weight loss in those who are deficient in this mineral. Researchers found that half of the obese women participating in the study were deficient in calcium. The calcium-deficient women who increased their intake along with sticking to a reduced calorie diet lost much more weight than those women who were deficient and followed a calorie-restrictive diet without adding calcium.
The theory is that calcium deficiency causes food cravings and encourages a person to eat more in the effort to fill the body's need for nutrition. When a person consumes food that is not high in calcium, he or she tends to gain weight without reducing the cravings, resulting in an endless cycle of overeating. Getting an adequate amount of calcium in the diet solves this issue in those who tend to overindulge due to deficiency.
Calcium-Rich Food Sources
Skim milk
Non-fat yogurt
Low-fat cheese such as mozzarella or cottage cheese
Calcium-fortified orange juice
Green, leafy vegetables (kale, broccoli...)
Soy milk fortified with calcium
The U.S. recommended daily allowance for adults is between 1,000 and 1,200mg of calcium every day.
As with any other vitamin or mineral, you will get the most benefits from eating foods high in calcium. However, if you have an allergy or sensitivity to lactose, taking a supplement can be an effective means of getting the calcium you need.
Sample High-Calcium Weight Loss Menu
½ cup oatmeal
1 cup skim milk
1 egg
8 oz. orange juice w/calciumLunch
Chef's Salad made with low-fat cheese, lean chicken or turkey, broccoli, celery, kale and other vegetables
Light dressing
1 fruitSnack
Non-fat or low-fat yogurtDinner
1 cup of skim milk
3 oz. chicken breast
Baked potato with 1 tbsp. low-fat sour cream
½ cup vegetables
1 fruitDessert
½ cup ice cream
It is important to note that certain foods and beverages may interfere with the absorption of calcium. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, foods that are high in oxalate, caffeine, phytate sodium, or protein interfere with calcium absorption. High-fiber foods such as wheat and beans contain high levels of phytate. Spinach, beet greens and rhubarb are high in oxalate. Eating a large amount of animal protein can cause calcium deficiency as well.
It is recommended that supplements and high calcium foods be consumed two or more hours before or after consuming any of the above. If you drink coffee on a regular basis, you may also wish to take calcium supplements in addition to getting more of it in your food.