Rapid Detox Procedures
It is important to be screened prior to your treatment. If you are not screened, you may find out too late that you were not healthy enough for the procedure. Screening is also necessary to see what specific treatment will be used and how intense it will have to be. Doctors will assess the damage to your heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. They will use this information to decide what chemical imbalances may be occurring in your brain due to your addiction. Your treatment will attempt to re-balance the chemicals.
The next step in the rapid detox procedure is anesthesia. The safest and most common method of anesthesia is gas. The doctor will insert a hose in your nose and talk to you while the gas flows. The flow will be slow enough that you won't notice when you lose consciousness.
Cleaning the Opiate Receptors
The procedure for cleaning the opiate receptors takes four to six hours. Once you are anesthetized, the treatment begins. The medications that have been selected based on your needs will be administered in a steady flow. While you are being treated, you will be monitored constantly for signs of pain or discomfort. More anesthesia will be administered if necessary.
Rapid Withdrawal Symptoms
One or two hours into the procedure, your rapid withdrawal symptoms will begin. Opiate withdrawal symptoms include cold sweating, uncontrollable diarrhea, vomiting and sickness, aching arms and legs, depression and panic. Normally these symptoms occur slowly and only become severe slowly. However, with rapid detox they occur quickly and can be painful. After your symptoms ease and your body has been cleansed, you will wake up with no physical addiction to opiates. Beating the mental addiction will be your next step.