Does Fasting Help Lose Weight?
Pounds Lost
Fasting ignites rapid weight loss because it deprives a body of calories it has to burn. Consuming fluids all day increases the need to urinate, which expels water weight and sodium that can cause water retention and bloating. Individuals often lose as much as three or four pounds in the first days of the fast and lose about one pound a day thereafter. Some people lose 30 to 40 pounds on a 30-day fast.
Craving Reduction
Fasting reduces cravings for junk foods, too. Andrew J. Hall, professor of medical psychology at the University of Leeds, writes that fasting reduces cravings more than deprivation diets. His study shows that cravings decrease with both long-term and short-term fasting because it changes the brain's mechanisms that affect blood glucose levels.
Unpleasant Effects
Fasting for weight loss takes discipline, because consuming only liquids leads to unpleasant side effects. Individuals feel tired and lethargic because of extreme caloric restrictions and may become easily irritated. Luckily, these feelings subside once your body becomes accustomed to drinking fresh fruit juices.
One of the side effects people should be aware of is that because fasting slows the metabolism it leads to a loss of muscle rather than fat, as muscles rev your body. Accordingly, your body goes into conservation mode and tries to hold onto its reserves, which is why a change in metabolism makes it hard to keep the weight off when you begin eating food again. The only way to accomplish that is by gradually reintroducing food into your diet and beginning to exercise.
You should only fast under the supervision of your doctor or at facilities that specialize in these programs, as they provide recommendations for safe fasting and monitor your health. These professionals also offer guidelines for maintaining weight loss after the fast has ended. While fasting promotes rapid weight loss, the best way to achieve long-term, permanent health is by eating a sensible diet and doing regular exercise.