Using Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss
How Hypnotherapy Works
Hypnosis has been used to varying degrees to help people quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol, but in recent years there has been a movement to use it to help achieve weight loss. Undergoing hypnotherapy can either be a one-time thing or it can happen on a recurring basis. Repeated hypnotherapy sessions would increase the chances for success. According to the Mayo Clinic, during your session with a hypnotist, your normal thoughts and cravings will be replaced with healthier ones, allowing you to live a healthier lifestyle and therefore lose weight more effectively.
There is circumstantial evidence that hypnotherapy has a positive impact on weight loss. Hypnosis alone cannot make you lose weight, however. You are more likely to have success if you also change your diet and include exercise in your routine. Proponents of hypnosis say that it cannot hurt your weight loss chances, so there is no harm in trying it.
The Future of Hypnotherapy
Research on hypnotherapy is scarce and is often not completely reliable. According to Vanderbilt University, there are studies stating that hypnosis aids in weight loss, but many of those studies cannot be fully verified because the focus groups were too small or there was no control group. With the rise in popularity of hypnotherapy for weight loss, more research is bound to be done to try to measure the impact it can have on a person's ability to lose weight successfully. By no means is hypnotherapy guaranteed to work for everyone. There are many people out there who have achieved results after being hypnotized, but there are other people who have not noticed any change. If you are considering trying hypnotherapy for weight loss, remember that exercise and dieting are key to success. Hypnosis can help you along the way, but you have to do the work to see the results.