Inexpensive Ways to Lose Weight Quickly Without Pills
Menu Planning and Cooking
One of the culprits to weight gain for people is a poor diet. Cheap, prepackaged foods loaded with simple sugars and filling carbohydrates can add weight quickly, especially if they have no dietary fiber. By planning your menu and cooking your own food, you can get similar foods that taste just as good but contain fewer empty calories. For example, choose buffalo meat over pre-formed beef patties when making burgers. Buffalo has up to 90 percent less fat and 50 percent less "bad" cholesterol. Add a few grilled onions and peppers to your burger, and you'll get dietary fibers that can help push out excess weight. Combine this meal with a glass of water instead of soda, and you've cut another 240 calories.
Passive Exercise
Losing weight at the basic level means burning more calories than you are taking in. Faster weight loss should include a dedicated workout program of at least 30 minutes a day. If you can't make it to the gym because you spend long hours at work, consider burning some calories while you're in the office. You can start by parking as far away from your building as you can without being late. An extra quarter-mile walk to your office chair burns 25 calories. Do this four times, and you've burned 100 for the day. Include taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and you can burn 150 calories every 15 minutes. Walk your messages to your coworkers instead of sending e-mails, and the calorie burning continues.
Sweating It Out
If you need to lose inches fast without the use of pills, a last-minute resort could be a few sauna sessions. Sitting in the sauna uses hot water and steam to bring out water weight in your body. It also causes your heart rate to increase, increasing the number of calories burned versus just sitting in place. A 15- to 20-minute sauna session can burn up to 600 calories. You must take special care when using this method. Staying too long can dehydrate your body and do damage to your organs. Because this weight loss is mostly water, it can be quickly regained.