Limited Calorie Diet
Fruits & Vegetables
Fresh fruit and raw vegetables are the healthiest way to watch your caloric intake--as a typical apple (with the skin) consists of no more than 55 calories. Bananas typically have no more than 75, and a fresh piece of broccoli has as few as 10. Considering that most quick weight-loss plans consist of anywhere from 950 to 1,500 calories per day, dieters are free to eat as many fruits and vegetables as they wish.
Cereals & Oats
Most healthy cereals and oatmeals contain no more than 150 calories per cup, and contain other valuable nutrients like fiber and potassium. Dieters should take care to avoid cereals loaded with sugar and should instead reach for healthier choices, such as Special K or Total. The same goes for instant, flavored oatmeal, which often contains a large amount of sugar. Plain Quaker Oats are a much better choice and can be cooked just as quickly as "instant" pre-flavored varieties. Dieters can add a low-cal sweetener for taste.
Lean Meats
Chicken breast and fish are the perfect meats if you're looking to follow a low-calorie diet, with a 6-oz. broiled skinless chicken breast typically containing no more than 285 calories. Also, 4 oz. of salmon usually will have no more than 285 calories. Both chicken and fish are packed with protein and contain other essential vitamins and minerals.
A Simple Plan
Cutting calories doesn't need to mean starving yourself. Instead, it should mean eating smaller meals more often throughout the day--in the vicinity of five or six meals two to three hours apart. Breakfast could consist of a bowl of Special K cereal with skim milk and an orange (250 total calories), followed by a Slim-Fast High Protein Shake as a snack (190 calories). Lunch could be a salad with lettuce and low-fat dressing, topped with carrots, broccoli and a tablespoon of low-fat tuna and slice of plain wheat bread (150 calories). This could be followed by another protein shake (190) and a dinner of salmon, salad, and low-fat yogurt (400). Under this plan, the total calorie count would be less than 1,200 for the day--and coupled with regular exercise, followers would be able to lose weight fairly quickly.