Honey and Weight Loss
Honey and Cinnamon
The combination of honey and cinnamon is a widely recommended mixture used for reducing weight. Mix 1 tsp. of honey and 1 tsp. of cinnamon together and add to 1 cup of boiling water, stirring until completely dissolved. Drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You can also take this mixture without using water, but it can be rather spicy, so make sure to keep that in mind before trying it without the water. When taken regularly, it has been reported that this mixture reduces weight and will keep fat from accumulating in the body. Herbalists report that this mixture works even in the most obese people.
Honey and Lemon Juice
Honey and lemon juice is also a mixture that can be used to promote weight loss. Simply mix 1 tsp. of honey with 1/2 cup of lemon juice and drink it. This mixture is reportedly good for decreasing cellulite and boosting the metabolism.
Curbing Hunger
There are many teas available on the market that are used for weight-loss dietary aids. These teas including mint teas, green teas and ginger teas, which taste even better with honey. Honey boosts the flavor of these weight-loss teas and helps to curb hunger after you drink them.
Concentrated Sweetener
Honey has about eight more calories per teaspoon than granulated sugar. However, honey is a concentrated sweetener that has much more flavor than sugar. It typically takes much less honey to sweeten drinks and foods than it does sugar. This makes the actual intake of calories from honey much smaller than that of sugar.
Benefits of Honey
Honey is a natural sweetener made from the concentrated nectar of blooming plants. It is much better for you than most sugar substitutes and offers more nutrients than granulated sugar. According to Naturalnews.com, honey contains protein, riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, folate (vitamin B9), vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It also contains antioxidants, some found only in honey, which include pinobanksin, chrysin, catalase and pinocembrin.