Diabetic Vegetarian Weight Loss Plan
Learn the Dietetic Exchanges
Obtain a copy of the exchange list from the American Diabetes Association or the American Dietetic Association. These lists will help you with meal planning and in learning to control the protein, carbohydrate and fat content in your diet.
Choose Vegetarian Foods that Are Low Glycemic
Look for fruits, vegetables and proteins that are low on the glycemic index, meaning those that do not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. Focusing on low-glycemic foods will help ensure that blood sugar levels stay even and insulin levels do not spike sharply, which can cause serious problems for people with diabetes. Examples of low-glycemic foods are berries, peaches, green vegetables, nuts, cheese and eggs.
Eat Several Small Meals Per Day
Instead of trying to eat three large meals every day, try eating five or six smaller meals. This can help keep blood sugar levels steady and keep you from feeling hungry. A simple way of doing this is to cut each of your meals in half, saving the rest for two or three hours later. This is a good method to keep you from rushing to the snack machine at work or overeating during meals.