The Best Diet Plans for Youth
The Diet Plan of Choice
For teens and children especially, drastic dieting plans are never a good idea. Plans such as removing carbohydrates from you diet, eliminating certain food groups entirely, or severely limiting your protein intake can have ill effects that will negatively outweigh the potential benefits of weight loss. Hair loss, spotted skin, constant tiredness and reduced lifespan are simply not worth losing a few inches from you waistline.
The solution to losing weight and remaining healthy is simple: eat a balanced diet and only consume fatty or sugary foods in small quantities. Foods such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, dairy products and even fats are all necessary components of a healthy eating plan.
Many youths decide to exclude meat from their diets entirely, for health, social or environmental reasons. Contrary to the beliefs of some, being a vegetarian is not mutually exclusive with eating healthily. However, it's important for vegetarians to be careful and informed. If you do decide to restrict yourself to a vegetarian diet, be sure to include plenty of protein-rich foods in your diet, such as beans and nuts. A diet lacking in protein will result in poor muscle growth and other unwanted results.
Making Healthy Eating Decisions
Eating right can be difficult at first, especially for severely overweight youths accustomed to eating what they want, when they want, in whatever quantity they desire. Start by reducing portion size. The body takes 20 minutes or more to feel "full" while eating. This means that if you continue to eat until you feel full, you've actually overeaten. Try eating one-third less food at each meal. Chances are, you'll feel full and comfortable shortly after eating, even if you still felt hungry when finishing your smaller meal.
Healthy does not necessarily mean removing the foods you crave, such as ice cream, chocolate or potato chips from your diet completely. Instead, indulge in moderation. A single scoop of ice cream should be enough to satisfy you. Instead of eating a full candy bar, try eating a small chunk of dark chocolate. It's important to keep your brain as well as your body healthy and happy as you change your eating habits for the better.