Diet Herbalife
What Herbalife is
Herbalife claims to use natural, herbal substances to help dieters lose weight quickly and with proper nutrition. Herbalife's "core products" consist of nutritional shakes, a multivitamin complex and cell activator supplement. Dieters are supposed to have a nutritional shake for breakfast, another for lunch and then a "sensible dinner," which the diet products do not define.
A multivitamin is meant to be taken once a day and offers important nutritional supplements. The cell activator claims to help the body better absorb vitamins and minerals as well as helping to increase cellular energy production to support weight loss.
Other Products
Besides its core products, Herbalife offers a host of other products, which can complement the Herbalife diet. These include protein snacks, multiple varieties of shakes, a supplement designed to prevent weight gain caused by snacking, a product which aims to reduce cellulite through fluid in skin and another supplement which claims to be a metabolism booster.
Herbalife offers different packages which encompass various combinations of these products in addition to the core products at special package prices.
Distribution and Competition
Herbalife is sold exclusively through authorized direct sales distributors. It works much like Avon, Amway and Mary Kay Cosmetics where marketing is done exclusively through its representatives. Herbalife's website can help direct consumers to their local distribution representatives.
Some nutritionists and doctors question the safety of Herbalife products which aim to affect metabolism, cellular respiration rates and nutrition. Before using Herbalife or any diet product system, it is best to consult a physician.