Calorie Shifting Diet Plan
How to Start a Calorie Shifting Diet
Determine your caloric baseline and track the usual number of calories you eat each day for one month. Keep a food journal to allow you to track calories and examine exactly what you eat each day. Track calories by using or Both sites offer calorie counts for just about any food, plus many restaurant meals.
Once you arrive at a baseline number, you will be able to begin planning how you will shift your diet. The number of calories you change will be slight, but enough to make a difference in how your metabolism burns fat.
The Calorie Shifting Diet
Follow a calorie shifting diet for three months to see weight loss results. You will change the number of calories you eat every few days so you may want to continue keeping a food journal.
Eat healthy foods while calorie shifting. On a day when you are supposed to eat 500 additional calories, make healthy choices. Choose an extra a piece of salmon or grilled chicken and extra vegetables and fruit.
Pump up your regular diet by 300 calories twice during week one and then drop your diet down by 500 calories twice a week during week two. Eat 400 additional calories a day twice a week during week three and then consume 500 less calories twice a week on week four.
Repeat this pattern or try a new pattern for months two and three. The idea is to keep your metabolism guessing and working harder to keep pace with calorie changes. After a few months, go back to your regular diet for a few weeks and then start calorie shifting again.
Advantages and Disadvantages
This program kick starts your metabolism without having to integrate additional exercise. As opposed to other weight loss programs, you keep weight off because your body never has a chance to adjust to a certain number of calories.
One of the disadvantages of calorie shifting is that you have to keep a close eye on what you eat and track every calorie. Another downside is that on days that you consume less calories you can become lightheaded, dizzy and cranky.