The Best Ways to Get a Flat Tummy
Avoid Saturated Fats
According to the American Heart Association, saturated fat leads to high cholesterol and is a leading cause of obesity. A diet low in saturated fat will lead to weight loss and ultimately a flat tummy. Fast foods have particularly high amounts of saturated fat and should be avoided at all costs. For example, an Angus bacon & cheese from McDonald's has 39 grams of saturated fat; a double stack from Wendy's has 18 grams of saturated fat.
Exercise Daily
Unfortunately, extra weight and fat tends to move toward the stomach. As a general rule, if you lose weight then you will also get a flatter tummy. Try making a list of exercises that you enjoy. Exercising is always easier if you like it. Do one or two of these activities for at least 30 minutes a day.
Swim Laps
Exercises that engage your abdominal muscles will also help you get a flatter tummy-- and swimming is one the most effective of those exercises.
Sit-ups are another exercise that specifically target abdominal muscles. When it comes to doing sit-ups, quality is much more important than quantity. According to, you should raise your shoulders at least one foot off the ground when doing a sit-up. Try going for a set of 30 and then taking a one- or two-minute break. After that, see if you can bang out another set of 30. Doing sit-ups before you go to bed and after you wake will speed up the process of getting a flat tummy.
Medicine balls can also be used to add some extra intensity to your sit-ups. First, get into a sit-up position. Next, have someone stand with a medicine ball in their hands near your feet. When you come up for your sit-up, have them throw you the ball. Take the ball back down with you and throw it to them as you get up. This will force your abdominal muscles to work much harder than they would have to work during a normal sit-up. If you exercise daily, do your sit-ups and avoid saturated fats, getting a flatter tummy could be a walk in the park.