Coconut Oil & Weight Loss
Skinny on Coconut Fat
Coconut oil has less fat than other oils, and it actually promotes better health. Coconut oil also contains fewer calories than other oils, and because it's processed differently by the body, it is more like a carbohydrate than a fat.
Fatty Acids
Coconut oil is made up of 75 percent caprylic acid and 25 percent capric acid. That means that coconut oil only has 6.8 calories per gram rather than the 9 calories per gram of other oils. In plain English, that means that if you use only coconut oil in your cooking, you will lower your caloric intake.
Diabetic Safe
Even though coconut oil is much like a carbohydrate, it affects the blood differently. It does not raise blood glucose levels. The body processes coconut oil immediately turning it into energy. That is perfect for weight loss, because it is not stored in the body where it can be turned into fat. That does not mean, however, that an over abundance of coconut oil will not turn into fat eventually; it should still be used in moderation.
Metabolism Booster
Coconut oil boosts the metabolic rate because the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are absorbed easily into the body and burned rapidly as a source of energy. That increases metabolic activity. According to Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D., research has shown that coconut oil not only increases the metabolic rate soon after its consumption, but the metabolic rate stays elevated for at least 24 hours after eating.
McGill University Study
Researchers at McGill University in Canada found that if all the oils in a person's daily diet are replaced with oils such as soybean oil, canola oil, safflower oil, and coconut oil, a person can lose up to 36 pounds in a year without even changing his or her diet. It is important to remember that even overeating healthy foods can cause weight gain. Losing weight with coconut oil must be accomplished by being paired with a healthy diet.
Thyroid Function
Refined vegetable oils can cause weight gain by suppressing thyroid function. The thyroid is the gland responsible for metabolic function. According to Dr. Ray Peat, "unsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in circulation, and the response of tissues to the hormone." A person would actually be better off eating lard than eating an unsaturated oil, because lard doesn't suppress thyroid function.
Coconut oil is not an unsaturated oil, and so has no negative effects on thyroid function. It is a better choice than other oils, and of course, a much better choice than lard (processed lard is hydrogenated, and so contains trans-fat). Eating coconut oil helps the thyroid gland to function normally, and it helps people to avoid weight gain.